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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Anti-Aging Anti-Wrinkle Cream 

lagen+Vitamin E

This extraordinary anti-aging formula has been created exclusively for our Rejuvenil line.  It contains active ingredients such as vitamin E, collagen and
CoQ-10, has several properties that combined in this formula intensify and increase the benefits of one another restoring the youthful appearance of our skin. Coenzyme Q-10 is present in all our cells.  It helps to restore energy to the cell as well as clearing cells of carcinogens (ie. free radicals).  Usage of this cream prevents oxidation and free radical formation from environmental toxins.  Chemicals, ultraviolet rays and infections cause deterioration and aging of our cells. 
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Collagen is also a component of our skin.  Over time, the amount of collagen is decreased because of free radicals and ultraviolet rays that result in aging of the skin as well.  These results are pigment changes (dark/white spots), stretch marks, wrinkles, loss of elasticity (sagging skin), and loss of moisture.
Vitamin E protects the skin from ultraviolet light radiation thereby reducing the creation of free radicals. Its deficiency can cause poor transmission of the nerve impulse and muscle weakness or fatigue.  It protects against cancer by enhancing the immune system.  Among its benefits to the skin are reduction of the aging process and acne formation. It helps to maintain production of elastin and collagen, vital for the firmness of the skin, delaying the appearance of wrinkles.
This cream moisturizes and rejuvenates your skin with smoothness, softness, and reduction or disappearance of wrinkles using only natural ingredients.  Individually, these components have already demonstrated their benefits.  In combination, these benefits magnify the results that CoQ-10, collagen, and vitamin E have contributed to the rejuvenation and restoration of our skin for decades.

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